"I have had the luck of getting a mulligan, which in golf is a second opportunity. I have got a mulligan in life."
脑子转不动了,只要google一下,什锦羹?~人名?……还好有wikipedia ,打开一看,真是恍然大悟,原来mulligan就是我们经常说的“摸一个”。我们来看专业释义吧:
In golf, a mulligan is a retaken shot, usually due to a previously errant one. Like gimmes, mulligans are strictly prohibited in the official rules of the game, but are commonplace in social golf. Traditionally, mulligans are allowed only on the first tee shot (usually one per round) and are not just taken at any time of the golfer's choosing. Some golfers play with the "rolling mulligan" rule: if the mulligan shot is no improvement over the original shot, then the golfer is allowed to take the penalty and retain the mulligan-- thus the "roll." Golf tournaments held for charity may even sell mulligans to collect more money for the charity.[2]Some social golf games also allow one mulligan per nine holes (thus two for a round of 18).[3]
在高尔夫语言中,mulligan是重新再打一颗球的意思,通常是因为上一颗球因为准备仓促打得极差。在官方规则中,mulligan是被禁止的,但在日常高尔夫运动中却很常见。一般来说,mulligan只是在第一洞发球时才被允许采用(通常是一轮一次),而不是无论什么时候都可以重新击球。有些球友还设定了“rolling mulligan”的规则:如果重新打得球比第一颗球还要差,那么打球者要接受现实,使用重新打的球。有些慈善赛事为了筹集更多善款,甚至出售mulligan的权利。在日常的18洞高尔夫运动中,也有一些球友可分别在前、后九的第一洞,各有一次mulligan的机会。